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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Supervisors Curriculum, Supervisor's Curriculum implemented modelling knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of the professions of General Practitioners and Teachers self care, Supervisor's Curriculum aim Quality Teaching within General Practice, Supervisor's Curriculum Curriculum Learning Objectives Module 8 mentor supervisors and manage teaching within their Practice, Supervisor's Curriculum guided by Industry & research documentation, Supervisor's Curriculum Curriculum Learning Objectives Module 7 appraise & assess learner's performance, giving & receiving feedback and ensuring remediation of poorly performing learners, Supervisor's Curriculum Curriculum Learning Objectives Module 4 develop knowledge of adult teaching & learning principles & identify situations where they can be applied, Supervisor's Curriculum implemented modelling knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of the professions of General Practitioners and Teachers lifelong learning- clinical & teaching skills & knowledge, Supervisor's Curriculum Curriculum Learning Objectives Module 2 define desired responsibilities, generic learning objectives & experiences appropriate to different levels of learners, Supervisor's Curriculum Curriculum Learning Objectives Module 3 develop a plan to orientate the learner to the Practice, community & network within the profession of General Practice; ensure duty of care to patients, Practice, staff and learner and know how and when to access institutional support, Supervisor's Curriculum implemented modelling knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of the professions of General Practitioners and Teachers responsibility to the profession, Supervisor's Curriculum Curriculum Learning Objectives Module 1 develop knowledge of, & apply, Standards relative to different levels of learners, Supervisor's Curriculum implemented modelling knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of the professions of General Practitioners and Teachers respect, Supervisor's Curriculum implemented modelling knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of the professions of General Practitioners and Teachers recognition of own limits, Quality Teaching within General Practice goals Support a clearly definable learning continuum, Quality Teaching within General Practice goals Meet national and local standards & requirements for clinical supervision across the learning continuum, Supervisor's Curriculum Curriculum Learning Objectives Module 6 implement planned teaching sessions, evaluate their effectivess and refine for future improvement, Supervisor's Curriculum implemented modelling knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of the professions of General Practitioners and Teachers professional & ethical practice, Supervisor's Curriculum implemented modelling knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of the professions of General Practitioners and Teachers community & cultural awareness, Supervisor's Curriculum implemented modelling knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of the professions of General Practitioners and Teachers collaborative practice & networking, Supervisor's Curriculum Curriculum Learning Objectives Module 5 develop knowledge of teaching strategies and plan teaching sessions that are aligned to Standards, are appropriate to the level of the learner and the situation, and meet specific learning objectives